
Dr. Horace Allen calls us to duty in Faith.  Through his concepts of duty and Faith we come to the wisdom of how to sort out our struggles. I am proud to say that Horace Allen is my counselor and spiritual advisor. As a divorced father  I was deeply troubled by the aftermath of my failures and the well being of my children.  I was also troubled about present choices in my personal and business life.  Horace Allen gave me specific advice once a week about my children, my work and about the significant associations in my life. He helped 

me understand the origins of my guilt and he gave me the tools to enjoy peace and dignity. He reminded me that in Faith I could enjoy happiness. Pastor Allen has an exceedingly superior intellect. Pastor Allen has a kind heart.  Pastor Allen has strength developed through experience. 

As a Family Therapist, Horace Allen, applies the power of his Faith, his intellect and his heart to the problems presented.  He listens carefully.  He analyzes concerns honorably.  I thrived as his client.  He gave me back my own integrity.  His therapy during once a week hourly meetings, was interactive; once he understood the issues. 

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 He analyzes concerns honorably.  I thrived as his client.  He gave me back my own integrity.  His therapy during once a week hourly meetings, was interactive; once he understood my issues I was ready, he spoke and I listened.  He knew I needed to be worthy of myself.  He taught me to face my life in Faith.  He became a voice in my mind, a reference,  which I still use to sort something out. 

Horace Allen is a national treasure.  He is a good and generous man who applies the models of Christian Faith to the faithful, the atheist, and the agnostic.  He enlightened me and my family.  I cherish my time with him and I am glad for others who have the benefit of his wisdom. Thank you.